Operation Tun-Tun

When beginning this blog in 2019 I explained that its purpose was to enable a better understanding of the land and its people. As such, most of the posts since then do not deal with current events, but rather events of the past — whether historical or anecdotal — which, over time, serve to help us see through the fog of contemporary, tendentious reporting and allow us to focus on Venezuela herself and her people and to get at least an inkling as to why things are the way they are.

Much, if not most, of today’s “reporting” is existentialist — meaning, in this context, that it focuses on the present, usually in crisis form, and sheds little or no understanding of the moment we are living or how we got here, let alone what we are to do about it, if anything. This is ironic because the more honest existentialists from the 20th Century, men like Saint Exupéry, Camus, and others, were indeed men of action who did seize the moment and acted thereon. But they were rare. And their progeny is more disoriented than Sartre, the Grand Master of their sect. 

The lack of reporting on what goes on in Venezuela a mere four weeks after the outrageously fraudulent elections in that stricken land illustrates the above. The immediate crisis has passed and the mainstream media has returned to the “look-a-squirrel!” journalism which focuses on promoting the fashionable narrative of the present day.

Well, the immediate crisis may have passed for the usual suspects (CNN, ABC, NBC, ad nauseam), but it most certainly has remained and deepened for the people of Venezuela and for us as well, whether or not we are capable of seeing it. 

There have been thousands of detainees and disappearances. Arrests are without warrants or formal charges. If one complains of abuse, one exposes oneself to brutal arrests, accused of crimes including terrorism. Many minors have been kidnapped from their homes. 

Having taken a page from the totalitarians whose masks fell off during the recent pandemus, the state has urged people to report “suspicious activities” in what it has called “Operation Tun-Tun”, the sound of the knock on the door when officers arrive. This has promoted an environment of mistrust and fear of sharing or speaking openly among neighbors and even relatives, not to mention church. Precisely what the totalitarian relishes: family is nothing, relatives are nothing, neighbors are nothing, church brethren are nothing … the state is all.

Any reading or viewing of Cold War literature or art will immediately see “neighbor-reporting” and “Tun-Tun” visits for what they are. I need not elaborate.

The human rights NGO, Provea, reports that “Forced disappearances and arbitrary detentions have become the new normal …. They have gone from a period of selective persecution to one of massive persecution.”

For those who disbelieve the “alternative media”, perhaps the Agence France-Presse (AFP) might satisfy: 

“Edward Ocariz was cooking lunch in his home in a Caracas slum when police stormed in. ‘You’re coming with us,’ officers shouted, as angry neighbors screamed, ‘Damn you!'”

“Police — with no arrest warrant — whisked Ocariz away a week after the July 28 election…. Ocariz, 53, had complained previously about government abuses of power…. He was charged with crimes including terrorism and inciting hatred and taken to a maximum security prison….”

Multiply Mr. Ocariz by thousands, including minors and desperate parents; terrified neighbors who after complaining see their own neighbors or family members disappear, and you begin to get the idea of what is happening and why Venezuela has become “so quiet” lately.

And if you think such things can never happen in the United States, well, you’ve not been awake in recent years.

We are living in what for us can only be described as unusually bad times. 

But the Triune God is on His throne and His eyes go to and fro … and not a sparrow falls without Him … and these events, as ALL events, will serve to advance His Kingdom. The counsels of the ungodly will come to confusion.

Meanwhile, at the very least, we must be aware and we must pray and even if all we can actually do is speak or write or vote, we must do at least that.

I’ll close quoting an election worker, source The Caracas Chronicle:

“Nothing prepared us for the fear we have experienced in recent days. What we have felt since July 29 until now is unprecedented. Friends hiding for weeks. Or crossing borders. A few are still holding hope for a transition … but without certainty that it will happen, in the face of violence we’d never seen….. We wonder what to do if our passport is arbitrarily canceled, if leaving the country is an option, of if arriving at the airport means a prison sentence. We deal with paranoia, attentive to any strange sound, rushing to the window to ensure everything is in its place….

“We see teenagers being torn from their parents’ arms in the middle of the night or mothers dragged out of their homes, still in their nightclothes before the terrified eyes of their children…. The checkpoints … are real guillotines where they check your phone without a judicial order, risking your safety. An incorrect message in a WhatsApp group could lead to your disappearance in a jail …. And yet, we try to put on a smile to encourage those outside Venezuela; to show ourselves strong so that our friends and family do not have to worry too much about what we are living through….

“…the heartbreaking testimonies of kids who, because of a WhatsApp message or a TikTok video, fall in the most dangerous prisons, alone, unable to see their relatives and without the right to defense. Kids who live in a country that already deprived them of a sane childhood and now inflicts on them physical torture, rape, psychological terror, for which no school, university, or way of life can prepare them….

“Waking up to calls at 6 in the morning: ‘They took M_____ in the early morning along with 20 kids from the neighborhood, they entered her house and dragged her in her underwear in front of her daughter, regardless of the screams from her family: they beat her, they beat her!’

“We knew repression was a possibility, but one thing is to call it and another to see it….”

A Summary of the Recent Elections in Venezuela and Their Aftermath

Rene J. Abreu wrote a post on his LinkedIn page which you might find of interest. It is brief and compact, yet the full story. The most recent news is that the Venezuela state has suspended X (formerly Twitter) in Venezuela, thereby further hindering the communication and the uncensored news among the Venezuelan people.

I thank Rene for his post and have put his link further below.

By Rene J. Abreu

Venezuela Events After the July 2024 Presidential Elections and the “Venezuelan Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Society (SVIMM)”.

In Spanish SVIMM is “Sociedad Venezolana de Ingenieros de Minas y Metalúrgicos”, an institution created in 1958. As censorship grew up significantly in Venezuela during the last two decades, new directors took the institution lead in 2017. Bravely, this professional institution has been publicly in favor of the truth and the right doing in the natural resources industries in Venezuela.

On Sunday July 28th, 2024, a Presidential Election took place in Venezuela and the opposition won with roughly 70% of the votes. On the same day, the Government announced fraudulently their victory, showing no proof of votes and proceedings.

As it is not easy to understand this situation by my non-Venezuelan friends and readers, following are some facts that may help:

1) For 25 years the same government/political system has been in power.

2) After the first election in 1998, using the democracy tools the government was able to control all the internal institutions and became a “modern dictatorship”.

3) Some opposition parties and leaders were prohibited, controlled, jailed, assassinated, or forced to emigrate. Approximately 8 million people were forced to emigrate and some 4.5 million of them were lawfully registered to vote abroad. Only less than 70,000 emigrants were allowed to vote in this presidential election.

4) Through a Primary Election in 2023, leader Maria Corina Machado unified the opposition, but the regime disqualified both, Mrs Machado and her appointee Mrs Corina Yoris. The lawful opposition party “Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD)” was able to register Mr Edmundo Gonzalez as the unique opposition candidate.

5) While the regime changed rules, jailed politicians, and used traps, the opposition built up a huge social movement of people along the country.

6) Peacefully millions of Venezuelans attended and voted on July 28th.

7) On Monday July 29th the opposition started progressively publishing in internet the actual proceedings (Acts) to prove the wide gap in votes between both candidates. This platform is still open to the world.

8) Venezuelans have been peacefully demonstrating on the streets nationwide against the fraud. The regime is violently acting as a gang of foreign and local criminals combined with some police and military Venezuelans. The repression continues now. It is urgently required the support by the world’s democracies to save the Venezuelan People and for the truth to prevail.

I would like to congratulate SVIMM for publicly demanding on August 1st the Venezuelan Electoral Authorities the publication of all the proceedings supporting their July 28th, 2024, announcement. I think that the future of geology, mining, and metallurgy is bright in Venezuela with the resilience and bravery of institutions like SVIMM.

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Sound Familiar?

From the AP two days ago:

By the time National Electoral Council President Elvis Amoroso was shown on television handing Maduro a document certifying his victory, the opposition had scanned more than half of the tally sheets. The scanned tallies were also uploaded to a searchable website, and [those] who voted could use their  government identification number to check out the tally sheet belonging to the machine they used to vote.

The government then claimed that the electoral council’s website had been hacked. National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez insisted Maduro was the indisputable winner and called his opponents violent fascists. He called for Machado and González [opposition leaders] to be arrested.

When those in power — the permanent bureaucracy, their media sycophants, and the political party most aligned with them — facilely tar their opponents with the fascist tag while insisting their electoral results — which not too long ago reflected the “winner” with more votes than any presidential candidate in U. S. history — are as pure as the driven snow, the rest of us ought to see the parallels that so obviously exist. As in Venezuela.

The Venezuelan opposition was clearly anticipating this and was ready to respond with actual results. I still don’t know exactly how they did this when the electoral count is centralized in the hands of the regime, but they did. Of course this does not mean that truth and justice will prevail in that dark corner of the international Socialist world; however, we can be excused for hoping that the rest of the world will grow a bit of spine and support the people of Venezuela as they exhibit the courage — courage! — that in aeons past used to characterize the free West.

Apart from a few exceptions, I do not see the same moral courage in the opposition here, in the United States. 

May we remember these days — days when a husband and father was murdered in cold blood, in his own house, by the regime’s thugs; days when an election observer was dragged from her house, in her underwear, and taken by the motorcycle gangs hired by the regime to “keep order”; days when multitudes of protesters have been rounded up and taken under horrendous custody; days when the opposition offices have been ransacked and their leaders have had to seek refuge in the Argentina embassy in Caracas; days when Cuban snipers have been seen on the roof of the presidential palace, Miraflores — and be encouraged by the steadfastness of our Venezuelan friends.

Pray for Venezuela.

Visegrád 24 on X: “BREAKING: Maduro and his thugs have launched a wave of arrests of election observers who saw too much and spoke out in public. This woman thought she would help safeguard honest elections. Now, she gets arrested from home while just in her underwear. Via @AlertaMundoNews https://t.co/O866LgfyGf” / X