
I was blessed with a happy childhood. Part of what enabled that blessing was having a mother and father who did not allow a complaining spirit in the home and who were astute enough to remind us of our blessings and daily provision, not least of which was food on our table every day.

I tended towards a bit of “shyness” but my parents did not allow me to shrink away from social events or gatherings; on the contrary, they pushed me into them, which sort of “forced” me to swim or sink. And I am grateful, because to this day gregariousness is not my strong suit; nevertheless, I remember my parents’ and now “force” myself, instead of relying on mother or father to do so.

Ada Barnes, née Rodriguez, was born September 30, 1930, in Upata, Estado Bolívar, in the interior regions of Venezuela. Her home was typical of the era and the region: a rustic, colonial type structure, meaning a front door and heavy wood casement window facing the dirt street. Beyond the door was a small rectangular receiving room. Farther on, an entryway led into an open hallway which led to the kitchen, and beyond it, a larger garden area with fruit trees, chickens, turtles, and pigs.

My mother’s earliest memory was of the men who would be hired to come and slaughter a pig for food. It was a very loud affair and she would run as far away as she could within the house, find a corner, and stop her ears. That memory stayed with her to the end.

She had formal schooling through the third or sixth grade (I heard both versions and was never able to confirm either), however, her grammar was impeccable and her handwriting, beautiful. After a secretarial course, she was hired by the Bethlehem Steel and worked in San Félix until she met and married my father who also worked at Bethlehem, known to all as he who “nos pagaba todas las semanas (he paid us every week)”, as an elderly friend recently wrote to me. But he was better known outside the company as a wonderful baseball player and manager who skippered his rag tag team into Double A championships. Mom was his biggest fan.

They moved to El Pao and our family grew to four children: two girls, Brenda and Elaine, and two boys, Ronny, the youngest of the four, and me, the firstborn.

In that time and era, our parents’ friends were also our friends. So, I remember with great fondness, Mr. and Mrs. Berán and Ninoska, and their patriarch, Mr. Axmacher, and matriarch, Mrs. Panchita. Also, the Belafonti’s and Jackson’s, Carmen Luisa, who was also my godmother (Madrina), Mario Pérez and his wife, Oladys, Paco, who ran the camp gasoline station, and also Sr. Medina, Dad’s mechanic, and Mercedes, his wife, and Mr. John Tuohy and his wife, Clara, and Mr. Giliberti and his wife, Lucila, and Charles Abaffy with whom my father had a hilarious, continual repartee, Mr. and Mrs. Ivanosky from Russia. Those are the names that come up immediately, and more and more also are making their way from my memory banks, but I must stop. The point is that all these folks were adults who, later in my life, were also my friends and advisors. My parents’ friends were my friends. Practically all are gone now. But my gratitude remains.

In 1978, I had planned a 3-week vacation to Venezuela. My plans were detailed and efficient — I had packed lots of experiences into that period of time. Or so I thought.

Then I shared my plans with my mother, who immediately thrust a list — a multi-page list — of names with telephone numbers into my hand. She insisted that I visit each and every one of the people on her list. 

“How can I fit these visits into my plans?!” I asked, with a bit of exasperation. 

“You must”, was the simple reply.

And I did. I visited every single family or person — with only ONE exception, and that was because the husband was ill and the wife was indisposed, or so they told me over the phone. Later, as I dutifully reported my obedience to her, when I came to the one couple whom I had failed to visit, my mother smiled, “Well, at least you called them. They cannot say they were ignored. And I am not surprised at their refusal. Life has many people like that, but you must not be like them.” 

So, she figured they’d tell me to hit the road and still she included them in her list! That’s my mother.

I must say, of all the trips or vacations in my life, including spots in exotic places of the earth, that 1978 trip, jam-packed with visits to friends and family, was among the most memorable because it was focused on people — men, women, and children who meant very much to my parents and to me.

Not too many young men can boast unapologetically that their mother planned their exotic vacation. I am proud to say that my mother planned mine on that occasion, and it turned out to be among the most memorable of all. And it was a lesson that has remained with me to this day: what endures are the personal relationships — friends, family, dear ones — more so than the spectacular sights or experiences. Life is short, too short. But we were created to live forever. In the Lord, friendships, family, brethren will live on. And we will see them again.

My mother widowed on October 9, 1982. She had no interest in remarrying and remained a widow until her own entrance into glory on September 6, 2023, 24 days shy of her 93rd birthday.

The last weeks of her life as she steadily weakened, the last thing to go was her mind. She remembered me immediately each time she saw me or upon hearing my voice. But not only me: it was the same with her other three children, and her grandchildren, and even her great-grandchildren. She was alert, even when appearing to be asleep. At times she’d exclaim, “Me duele el cuerpo“, or “¿Qué me pasa?“, or at the end of a prayer or the reading of Scripture, with great effort, she’d say, “Amén” or she’d be able to utter, “Dios te bendiga“. 

Such utterances became more difficult and infrequent.

Shortly before her passing, we received a visit from Carmen Herminia, one of our childhood friends whom we had not seen for over four decades. It is difficult for me to describe that joyful occasion, other than to say that it was impactful to my mother, who by that time could not speak. She had tears of joy as Carmen Herminia played voice mail messages from several ladies from the church in El Pao and as she heard them express their gratitude to my mother and to my father for their years of service there and their impact on their lives and their consistent reflection of love and devotion to the Triune God and the Christian faith. We sang hymns and prayed and Mami was content.

In addition to her husband, Charles, her parents, Julio Rodriguez and Eleana Pérez also preceded her in death. She is survived by her children, Richard M. Barnes (Lillian), Brenda E. Barnes, Elaine M. Childs (Christopher), and Ronald M. Barnes (Heather); 21 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; many nieces, nephews, and extended family.

She is the last of the fathers, mothers, aunts, and uncles with whom we grew up. My sadness is deep, but so is my gratitude. She died midst her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 

Thank you, Mom.

This is not Upata; however, structure on the far left offers an idea; my mother’s birthplace front facade was a single door and casement window in a space slightly wider than what is seen above just left of the utility pole.

This gives a clearer idea; however the above is far “nicer” and beautified for contemporary consumption.

From left: Aunt Sarah, Uncle Wichy, Father, Mother, Miami, Florida, circa 1956. Mom was the last surviving member of that generation in our family.

Mother and Father, September 25, 1957

A day where most but not all her children and grandchildren visited. She talked and smiled much.

Mom received children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The photo does not reflect her gestures and smiles, but they were there. She was content.

To Be Continued….

The blog has gone a bit dormant because I am focused on my mother, who is fast approaching death. 

Happily, she has received many visitors, mostly family in the dozens — children, grandchildren, great grandchildren — which is a great joy to her and to us. She has also received heartwarming messages from old friends in Venezuela.

My sister, Elaine, and her husband, Christopher, have allowed tens of folks — and many children! — to come in and out of their home as they and we continue to care for Mom.

It is not a large home so space, time, and a bit of quiet to sit and “cogitate” for a decent blog post are practically nil, not to mention that my focus is elsewhere at the moment. I must indeed get some work done and I do that in coffee shops nearby before rushing back to the house.

By God’s grace, I will return to the series of posts on the destruction of our roots, the willful dumbing down of generations of Americans, and the old pathways we need to rediscover if we are to avoid oblivion.

For now, I’ll merely acknowledge — because it is so much “in your face” — the almost frantic push for “diversity” or “inclusion”, which is anything but true diversity or inclusion as it so obviously excludes and disparages our heritage in all walks of life: education, commerce, entertainment, professions (including the medical!), and much more.

When one seeks an education, one has to exclude in order to successfully acquire an understanding, however general, of what makes our life in the West worthwhile. What we learn must have a certain unity and design. This was generally the case up to about the time of “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western culture’s got to go!” Even so, however, the foundations were already being destroyed such that by the time of Jesse Jackson’s demands, only a push was necessary to make it happen.

And what has happened? Education has become a “grab bag” of lesser lights and a perverse denigration of very real if not heroic figures important to our heritage. If educators were honest, they would readily admit that what they are pushing is not “diversity” but rather, another heritage, be it African art, Aztec wonders, or Communist propaganda. That admission would at least have the refreshing quality of candor.

That forthrightness will not become evident with the current motley crew, however. At least not yet. 

Because their true intent is not diversity or inclusion. Their intent is the destruction of our heritage, which is undeniably Western and Christian.

And to fight back, it is necessary to know that heritage, at least in general.

Why Have We Forgotten?

The prior post (Look There For A Sign) quoted Octavio Paz’s maxim, “Every time a society finds itself in crisis it instinctively turns its eyes towards its origins and looks there for a sign.”

The post also observed, “I see precious few folks today turning their eyes to our origins in order to seek answers….”

In other words, either Paz was in error, or our society does not consider our current conundrum to rise to the level of crisis.

Current polling suggests that most Americans, of all persuasions, do believe we are in crisis; if so, then Paz is in error, at least with regards to America. Which, as with most things in life, is nothing new. Jeremiah urged the people of his day, who knew they were behind the proverbial eight ball, to “…ask for the old paths, where is the good way and walk therein ….” Their reply? “We will not walk therein” (Jer. 6:16).

And they catastrophically lost their country.

Our colonial era was fundamental to the United States Constitution which was truly unique in the annals of history. For the first time ever a government was formed on the basis of limiting the scope of that government to few and limited powers; with all other powers retained by the states and the people.

This unleashed a very free and supremely productive populace which very quickly ascended to leadership and a shining example on the world’s stage.

However, from the late 19th Century, but especially since the New Deal, that paradigm of liberty has been distorted to the point where, today, the Constitution is not even considered by the many; and when it is, it is seen as a document which gives unlimited powers to the central governmental unit which treats the states and the people as sort of its “subdivisions” or subsidiaries or somehow subservient to its whims.

In other words, a complete and utter inversion of the original intent of our founding.

This has resulted in Americans today being among the most regulated, taxed, and controlled people on earth.

To take just one example: The Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare” was signed into law at 2,800 pages, which was considered ridiculous at the time, given that there was no possible way Congress could have read it in time for their Christmas Eve vote.

But the real outrage are the 10,000 closely printed pages of Obamacare’s regulations printed in the Federal Register

Ten Thousand closely printed pages.

Americans are not being governed by the 2,800 pages voted on by our representatives and senators and signed into law by our president.

Americans are being governed by the 10,000 closely printed pages in the Federal Register.

Not our president, not our senators, not our representatives wrote those 10,000 pages. 

Such were written by unelected, invisible bureaucrats and staffers in the countless offices, nooks, and crannies of the central government.

But that is not all: the agencies charged with implementing Obamacare are also empowered to promulgate more regulations, to prosecute citizens for violating such regulations, and to act as judge and jury in the prosecutions that they bring. In other words, these agencies combine the legislative, executive, and judicial functions in the same body.

That’s just Obamacare.

Congress and the president have passed and signed over 4,200 laws since 2001 alone.

And each one of those comes with agencies, bureaucrats, official enforcers, and hundreds and thousands of pages of regulations, which are the only “laws” most of us ever see.

One of the grievances cited by our founders to justify our Declaration of Independence was this:

“He [King George] has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

Our founders intended this would never be the case here by erecting a system of checks and balances whereby the legislative, executive, and judicial would be separate. However, for well over a century now, and especially since the mid-20th Century, we have submitted to governance that neatly eviscerates that system.

So, does that mean that the solution to our crisis is a “return to the Constitution”?


The solution to our crisis is a return to the “old paths”, which led to our Constitution.

It is a return to faith in God and His law.

That return begins in our homes and in our churches.

Judgement begins with us.

We are the ones who have permitted our children to be taught and indoctrinated by atheistic, socialistic professors who outnumber their conservative counterparts by 17 to 1. In 1968 that ratio was 2.7 to 1. These ratios are not only representative of college faculty but also of elementary and secondary schooling.

That means that two generations, at least, have been subjected to unending socialist, atheistic indoctrination and revisionist “American history”, which teaches us to hate our country and to cut off its roots.

The above ratios are also representative of our media and our “entertainment” industries.

In other words, we are under an unremitting barrage of propaganda which will take its toll unless we are clothed with Truth and teach our children and grandchildren that Truth.

One of the reasons we forget — perhaps the primary reason — is that we believe or assume that our prosperity came from the power of our own hand. We believe “naturalistically”.

However, it was not for nothing that our founders began our Declaration with the presupposition of our being created in God’s image: “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights….”

We live in a personal universe because it was created by a personal Creator God, Who tells us, “Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God….”

A return to the Constitution requires a return to God.

Look There For A Sign

“Without the fear of hell and the hope of the Last Judgment, the Western legal tradition could not have come into being.”– Harold J. Berman

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams

“Communism begins where atheism begins.” — Karl Marx

“Every time a society finds itself in crisis it instinctively turns its eyes towards its origins and looks there for a sign.” — Octavio Paz

My boyhood years in El Pao, which I still regard as a paradisiacal jungle location in Venezuela, gifted me with wonderful, cherished moments and memories. 

One of those remembrances is sitting at the bar in the club and listening to the rambunctious, freewheeling, carefree, and often loud conversations of the men who assembled there after the 4 O’clock whistle. These men spoke of the news, of events back home in the states, of the prior night’s movie, of anything that occurred to them. And they did so without inhibitions and certainly with no concern about being “censored” or “cancelled”.

One thing that I never thought about was bad language — four-letter-words. I never thought about it because I never — not once — heard one uttered in those conversations.

This became a wonder to me as I looked back, especially after seeing the movie, The French Connection, in 1971. That was the first time I heard so much foul language in a film, in particular, the bar scene where Popeye crashes a drug scene fingered by an informant.

The wonder to me was that I had not heard such words from the rough and tough men — several of them combat veterans — who talked loudly with one another in that bar in El Pao. They knew I was there. And they checked their profanity accordingly. And this also applied when ladies were present.

Parenthetically, there were no laws then against children being in the bar in El Pao. And I never saw a single drunkard there — man or child.

How did the American men in El Pao know that profanity was not to be uttered in front of children? Undeniably this hearkens back to the colonial era, a strong echo of which is seen in George Washington’s strict orders to the Continental Army forbidding profanity — especially taking the Lord’s Name in vain — and enjoining attendance at Sunday worship services.

Any cursory reading of the era’s primary sources will readily establish that the basis for such proscriptions and prescriptions was not “custom” or “tradition” or “squeamishness”. It was the love of God and the fear of God. And that love and fear is abundantly in evidence throughout the colonial era and well into the mid 19th Century.

No doubt that genuine devotion eventually did indeed devolve into custom and tradition; so much so that European intellectuals in the 20th Century mocked the “prudish” and “Puritanical” Americans, many of whom in turn would not know how to explain the moral foundations for their behavior other than by appealing to custom and culture, not to Christianity or the Bible.

Octavio Paz’s reference above is a statement of which I am not so sure. I see precious few folks today turning their eyes to our origins in order to seek answers to the current lawlessness in our cities or to the haphazard enforcement of laws in our politics. I hear or read precious few allusions to the Mayflower Compact, John Winthrop, Cotton Mather, Jonathan Edwards, or John Witherspoon, let alone to the Book of books, The Bible.

All of the above, and much more, would comprise a major part of our “origins”. If we are to seek a sign there, we’ve barely begun to look.

But begin to look, we must.

John Winthrop — 1587-1649

Some of the men of El Pao

It Has To Be Earned

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

Benjamin Franklin, upon being asked what sort of government the delegates to the Constitutional Convetion had created.

“A tradition cannot be inherited — it has to be earned.”

Attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Societies that are growing or strengthening are characterized by populations who not only believe in such growth and strengthening, but act upon it.

And a critical component of “acting upon our tradition” is to know it. And to know it requires that we study it.

Professor Harold Berman, in his magisterial Law and Revolution, provides the following analogy:

“From the eleventh and twelfth centuries on, monophonic music, reflected chiefly in the Gregorian chant, was gradually supplanted by polyphonic styles. Two-part, three-part, and eventually four-part music developed. The contrapuntal style exemplified in the thirteenth-century motet evolved into the harmonic style of the fourteenth century ars nova, exemplified in the ballade. Eventually, counterpoint and harmony were combined. The sixteenth century witnessed the development of the great German Protestant chorales, and these, together with Italian and English madrigals and other forms, provided a basis for opera …. Eventually Renaissance music gave way to Baroque, Baroque to Classical …. etc. No good contemporary musician, regardless of how off-beat he may be, can afford not to know this story….”

Not too long ago, American citizens, and certainly lawyers, judges, and justices were required, in a similar way, to know the story of the development of our institutions and their great debt to Christianity.

For example, about a century ago, in the early 20th Century, just about everyone in the United States understood that [church] canon law constituted the first modern Western legal system. Eventually, canon law and royal law complemented each other and formed a basis for the Western legal tradition. It was understood, at least inchoately, that rejecting the religious heritage of the West has always led to tyranny.

However, today, the above is not only generally unknown but should it be even mentioned it is only to have it dismissed outright, even by clergy who delight in writing books or preaching sermons denying our Christian legacy. In so doing, we greatly err and worse: we join forces with those who would destroy our legal and social foundations.

It is no mystery that many who most despise the American heritage have an undisguised hatred for the Christian religion because that religion places man and his institutions under an eternal, Triune God and His law. And this is unacceptable.

Once we understand this philosophical enmity, much of the violence and chaos in our era becomes intelligible.

But no need to take my word for it. I’ll conclude this post by quoting the heroes of so many of today’s usual suspects.

Engels: “We … reject every attempt to impose on us any moral dogma whatever as eternal, ultimate, and forever immutable moral law ….”

Lenin: “We repudiate all morality derived from non-human and non-class concepts. We say it is a deception, a fraud in the interest of the landlords and the capitalists … We say: morality is what serves to destroy the old exploiting society and to unite all the toilers around the proletariat … We do not believe in an eternal morality.”

Marx: “Man makes religion, religion does not make man … The abolition of religion as an illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness….

Anyone who has read the execrable Communist Manifesto will recognize the above sentiments, and more.

Such sentiments, so fashionable today, are the polar opposite of those of our colonial and early republic era; i. e., our founding era. Put another way, engaging and promoting the convictions of those who hate Christianity will accelerate the undermining of our foundations, increase the overt despising of ordered liberty, and openly promote a topsy turvy view of humanity and society, which further dismantles our bedrock.

It is a vicious cycle, a circling of the drain that can only be stopped by refusing to live by lies and insisting on speaking the truth.

With God’s help we can do so.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)