The blog has gone a bit dormant because I am focused on my mother, who is fast approaching death.
Happily, she has received many visitors, mostly family in the dozens — children, grandchildren, great grandchildren — which is a great joy to her and to us. She has also received heartwarming messages from old friends in Venezuela.
My sister, Elaine, and her husband, Christopher, have allowed tens of folks — and many children! — to come in and out of their home as they and we continue to care for Mom.
It is not a large home so space, time, and a bit of quiet to sit and “cogitate” for a decent blog post are practically nil, not to mention that my focus is elsewhere at the moment. I must indeed get some work done and I do that in coffee shops nearby before rushing back to the house.
By God’s grace, I will return to the series of posts on the destruction of our roots, the willful dumbing down of generations of Americans, and the old pathways we need to rediscover if we are to avoid oblivion.
For now, I’ll merely acknowledge — because it is so much “in your face” — the almost frantic push for “diversity” or “inclusion”, which is anything but true diversity or inclusion as it so obviously excludes and disparages our heritage in all walks of life: education, commerce, entertainment, professions (including the medical!), and much more.
When one seeks an education, one has to exclude in order to successfully acquire an understanding, however general, of what makes our life in the West worthwhile. What we learn must have a certain unity and design. This was generally the case up to about the time of “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western culture’s got to go!” Even so, however, the foundations were already being destroyed such that by the time of Jesse Jackson’s demands, only a push was necessary to make it happen.
And what has happened? Education has become a “grab bag” of lesser lights and a perverse denigration of very real if not heroic figures important to our heritage. If educators were honest, they would readily admit that what they are pushing is not “diversity” but rather, another heritage, be it African art, Aztec wonders, or Communist propaganda. That admission would at least have the refreshing quality of candor.
That forthrightness will not become evident with the current motley crew, however. At least not yet.
Because their true intent is not diversity or inclusion. Their intent is the destruction of our heritage, which is undeniably Western and Christian.
And to fight back, it is necessary to know that heritage, at least in general.

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