The last time we considered Sweden’s anomalous experience with the Covid Regimentation was over a year and a half ago, in August, 2021.
As I stated in that post, “One country refused to bow down to the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and the Lockdown and Mask Professors (which are legion).
“That country is Sweden. For a refresher, see here. And for my reply to some pushback I got for my comments on Sweden [in 2020], see here.”
John Hinderaker, of Powerlline, published the below post, which we all should read. The Local article he quotes from is behind a paywall so if you wish to read more you’ll have to subscribe:
From John Hinderaker:
Sweden was an outlier during the covid epidemic, in that its government did not order a nationwide shutdown [nor mask wearing]. This policy did not please much of Sweden’s establishment, as represented by The Local, which has been pro-lockdown. So this Local article is notable, in that it recognizes a basic fact about covid mortality that should have been obvious all along:
At one point in May 2020, Sweden had the highest Covid-19 death rate in the world, spurring newspapers like the New York Times and Time Magazine to present the country as a cautionary tale, a warning of how much more Covid-19 could ravage populations if strict enough measures were not applied.
That was very early in the epidemic, obviously. And country to country comparisons of covid-classified deaths are questionable:
Excess mortality — the number of people who die in a year compared to the number expected to die based on previous years — is seen by some statisticians as a better measure for comparing countries’ Covid-19 responses, as it is less vulnerable to differences in how Covid-19 deaths are reported.
Here in Minnesota, a guy who fell off a ladder and broke his neck was recorded as a covid death. Likewise a guy who had a car accident, was flung into a ditch, and died. And many others of that sort. Total mortality, on the other hand, is objectively measurable.
So there was undisguised glee among lockdown sceptics when Svenska Dagbladet published its data last week showing that in the pandemic years 2020, 2021 and 2022 Sweden’s excess mortality was the lowest, not only in the European Union, but of all the Nordic countries, beating even global Covid-19 success stories, such as Norway, Denmark and Finland.
So if you forget about classifying covid deaths and look at how many people died in excess of demographic projections, Sweden’s results were the best in the European Union. How can that be? The answer is, or should have been, obvious:
So why, if the Covid-19 death rates are still so different, are the excess mortality rates so similar?
This largely reflects the fact that many of those who died in Sweden in the first year of the pandemic were elderly people in care homes who would have died anyway by the end of 2022.
About 90 percent of Covid-19 deaths were in people above 70, Aavitsland pointed out, adding that this is the same age group where you find around 80 percent of all deaths, regardless of cause, in a Scandinavian country.
“My interpretation is that in the first year of the pandemic, say March 2020 – February 2021, Sweden had several thousand excess deaths among the elderly, including nursing home residents,” he said. “Most of this was caused by Covid-19. In the other [Nordic] countries, more people like these survived, but they died in 2022. The other countries managed to delay some deaths, but now, three years after, we end up at around the same place.”
An important fact here is that people who died from covid were overwhelmingly not just old, but old and already sick. So covid tipped them over sooner than would otherwise have happened, but not by a lot.
The bottom line is a point I have made more than once: covid shutdowns, at best–i.e., not in states like New York and Minnesota where infected old people were sent into nursing homes–delayed the inevitable for some of the already-sick elderly, at great cost to the rest of us, and especially at appalling cost to young people. It was a terrible bargain.
The above post by Mr. Hinderaker is not surprising to many of us who strongly questioned the worldwide “Covid Regime”. However, contrary to The Local’s assertion, it gives us no “glee” to see the devastation unquestioning acquiescence to corrupt reasoning has caused.
Again, it is important to remember that the world’s “public health experts” estimated that, without coverings and curfews, Sweden would suffer 80,000 to 90,000 deaths by May, 2020. That is, before the summer of 2020, Sweden was to have experienced massive numbers of deaths, not to mention a crippled hospital network.
That did NOT happen. So the “experts” then moved the goal posts and began to assert that Sweden’s death rate was higher than that of her immediate neighbors.
“But, of course, curfews were not imposed upon the world because of ‘death rates’ [or “number of cases”] but rather because of absolute numbers of death. Numbers which never came close to materializing. Regardless, her death rate was lower than those of countries (and some U.S. states) who did exactly what the “public health experts” told them to do. And, what’s more, around June of 2020, her neighbors, Finland and Norway, actually reverted to very laissez faire approaches as well. In other words, their approaches emulated Sweden’s. And their approaches resulted in lower death rates. So, the experts’ and media’s comparisons to her neighbors left out the fact that her neighbors’ also had a “light touch” response to the plague. I know, I know: we are all shocked (!) that the reporting was misleading.”
“If you relied only on the usual media to keep informed, you would think the unified intelligent world was in agreement and that only quacks and idiots differed. You would not know that an entire developed European country was among the refuseniks.”
My conclusion back in 2021 applies today even more forcefully:
“Government Central Planning will have even less success in controlling a virus than it has had controlling the economies of the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and Venezuela.
“A virus will virus. Central Planning will only exacerbate its effects.
“But, as we have seen, and will continue to see, the temptation for man to play God and to control the lives of others is overwhelming. It was so in Eden (“ye shall be as gods”) and it will be so until the end of time.”

Lest we forget: Sweden vs. New York mortality in 2020. Both ended up at about the same. However, the trajectory of each presents a grotesque contrast. New York’s mandates were draconian. So were her results.

Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s top epidemiologist who withstood unrelenting, withering criticism while staying the course
This briefing to local California media took place almost three years ago, in April, 2020. After 5 million views, it was taken down, a practice that has since become all-too-common. However, the news station still has it up. Both videos are available as of this writing and well worth your time because they so clearly reflect what many knew even back then but were censored from saying so. The first is roughly 51 minutes, the second, 2 minutes.
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